Shy to Dynamic!... in Charlotte.

Ep 17 - The Art of Letting Go | Tampa

Maxx Mitchell Season 2 Episode 17

Hey there Listeners! Welcome to Episode 17 of the Shy to Dynamic podcast! This is going to be a very short episode because it’s just a precursor for my next and final episode which will be released at the end of the month. Yes, you heard that right. I’m coming up on my final episode.

So… I made the decision last week to end this podcast. So you may ask… what is the reason for this decision?

Ironically, it was because I was finally successful with last week’s episode. I don’t mean “successful” in terms of number of downloads or anything concrete like that. I mean I was “successful” in terms of personal success. I felt that I finally found my right voice, like literally my right voice. This was the first time that I listened back at an episode and I was genuinely happy with what I heard. I felt that the pitch, the tone, and the audio settings were all just right or at least close enough with my current equipment. I felt that my delivery was nearly perfect. It felt conversational. I felt that I sounded calm and comfortable. I didn’t feel that I was performing. It felt natural. My sister said it may have been my best episode… So I love that she validated my own feelings that I already had about the episode.

I loved that for most of the episode that I was telling a story. So now I feel like I can develop a story and tell a story. I feel that going thru something and then telling a story about it is a good fit for me. 

And what’s more, I am proud of myself that I was able to research the technical aspects of creating a podcast. I learned what microphone to use. I learned what recording and sound-mixing software to use and how to use it. I learned where to get podcast music and other sound effects. I learned how to develop and create my cover artwork for the podcast. I learned how to find a podcast hosting platform and get things set up there. I learned how to launch my podcast on 10 or so different podcast providers like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. 

I enjoyed researching my topics and merging all the information I found with my own ideas and viewpoints, and then converting all that into something useful for my listeners and myself.  

I even spent some effort promoting the podcast and talking about it and passing out business cards about it. I’m not too good at the promotion part, but at least I got my feet wet with promotion just a little bit. That will be my goal to improve my ability to do promotion for my next podcast. 

You know how people call their first home their “starter home”. Well, this is my “starter podcast”. I learned the basics of what I need to know for any future podcasts, and I developed the mental framework for me to launch other ventures where I have to use my voice in a productive way. 

Whatever my next venture will be, it will be narrowed down to a specific topic and I have some ideas about what that will be… but things are just in the idea stage at this point. It will be something much more technical. Nothing involving self-improvement or mindsets or principles of life. Unless those types of things come into the topic indirectly.

I feel like I’ve accomplished what I wanted to achieve with this endeavor, and I feel that I’m ready to move on. I had lofty goals of doing hundreds of episodes, but now I feel that it is time to let some things go in my life at this time, and this is one of those things.

I like the phrase: “the art of letting go”. And sometimes letting go is an art. 

My own personal journey about self-improvement, self-esteem, and overcoming shyness will of course continue for the rest of my journey on this planet. But it is no longer my wish to share that part of my life with the world at large. But sharing this part of me has been truly therapeutic for me and I’m thoroughly glad that I did it. It is one of the things I am the proudest of in my entire life. 

What I found is that this endeavor was always about me. I didn’t know that at first, but I do now. But if it helped anyone else, then I am thrilled to know that it did. In fact numerous family members and friends have literally told me that this podcast has helped them think of certain things differently or that it helped them to make certain helpful decisions in their lives. I failed to make it go viral so to speak, but I think as always the Universe knows best, and the Universe always knew that this was about me really. 

It's a little crazy that my personal feeling of success with my last episode has caused me to shut the doors on this podcast. But life is a little crazy sometimes. 

And now I will take that sense of accomplishment about this podcast and I will move on to other things. That’s probably one of my ongoing traits that I usually move on from almost everything eventually. Except from the important stuff and the important people in my life. But, speaking of which, I don’t see myself moving on from the city of Charlotte. It’s not perfect, but hey, perfect is not realistic, and dealing with imperfect situations causes you to learn a lot. I think my roots will remain here in Charlotte, and I’ll just start visiting other places more frequently. Lots of airplane flights in my future I expect. And fear of flying is one of my next battles that I have to overcome. But that’s a topic for another day… but not on the Shy to Dynamic podcast. 

On that note, good bye for now… until the next and final episode where I will try to summarize things and hopefully tie things up in a nice little bow. 

As always, remember to show up for yourself and BELIEVE in yourself today and everyday, and create a NEW important and positive and dynamic version of yourself!

Episode 17, the Tampa episode, is now DONE!